




我們與Tutor Time多多國際幼稚園暨幼兒園合作,共同創造出所有的學習套裝和遊戲指南。將他們在早期教育的專業知識,以及我們對現代玩具設計的多年經驗互相結合。

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  • We can tell that a lot of thought was put into the designs and play journal guidebook.

    Tony C., The Fine Motor Kit, Singapore
  • 絕對係同bb互動既好幫手, 特別tummy time kit既玩具, 令bb增加耐性係tummy time 既時候

    Shirley C., The Tummy Time Kit, Hong Kong
  • I love the idea that they just give you the essential toys so at least you know you're not missing anything.

    Helen L., The Newborn Kit, Hong Kong
  • 小朋友正值trouble two開始情緒化,成日鬧情緒,全靠Emomo呢套教材可以幫助小朋友形像化地了解自己嘅情緒

    Sheldon L., The Emomo Kit, Hong Kong
  • 因為寶寶1歲多了,混著玩,寶寶玩的很開心🥳沒後悔買唷!很讚~~

    Anonymous, The Turning One Kit, Taiwan
  • My 2 year old now points to the poster and uses the feelings board when he wants to tell us how he feels, which opens up a whole conversation of why he feels that way

    Janet L., The Emomo Kit, Singapore
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